This is a cry for help! Keep the Torah alive during the war!
Nissan, 5782 BS”D
Our brethren in Ukraine are in a situation of pikuach nefesh, in mortal danger. Russia and Belarus are close to economic collapse, with many people in a state of panic (and not without a good reason!).
We, frum Yidden, do know that it is only Hashem Who rules this world and that all His acts are for the good. All that happens in this world is a message to us: Hashem wants us to return to Him, to become closer, to strengthen ourselves and others.
Every day we daven, “Bring us back, our Father, to Your Torah, and bring us near, our King, to Your service, and influence us to return in perfect repentance before You. Blessed are You … Who desires repentance”. This blessing is about repentance, about teshuvah, yet we start it by asking to become closer to Torah. How vital it is to strengthen ourselves and others in learning Torah!
“Beerot Yitzchak” foundation’s goal is to help Jews from the FSU to come back to Hashem, to learning Torah and to living Torah.
However, most of the support for these activities came, directly or indirectly, from Russia, Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries. The situation there is extremely difficult! Therefore, we find ourselves in a position that requires superhuman efforts.
We take upon ourselves to increase our learning.
And I appeal to all of you to please maximize your support for our activities!
Learning Torah saves the world from wars and other calamities.
May the merit of your support protect you from all evil!
With prayer and blessing, wishing you a joyful Nissan and a kosher and happy Passover, and a full and speedy redemption,
Head of the Beerot Itzhak Foundation
Rabbi Yigal Polischuk, shlita
Besides support for the Beerot Yitzchak Fund, we desperately need to help tens of families with Kimchah dePischah!
International transfer
Beneficiary’s Name:
Keren Beerot Itzhak
Registration number: 580566917
Address: Tiferet Ramot 81/8, Jerusalem, Israel
Bank name: Bank Hapoalim B.M.
Branch number: 538
Account number: 389-044
IBAN: IL690125380000000389044
Transfer in USA
(with tax exemption)
Organization full name: Torah Lishma
Organization address: 1561 East 12th Street, Brooklyn NY 11230
Organization US TAX ID: 45-0521370
Bank name: Greater Metro Federal Credit Unit
Account number: 0201398
Routing number: 221475605
Transfer in UK
(with tax exemption)
Organization full name: British Friends of Tiferet Shlomo Jerusalem
Organization’s address: 16 Broom Lane, Salford, Manchester, UK, M7 0EG
UK Charity Number: 1009951
Bank name: Barclays Bank
Bank address: 460 Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester, UK M25 1AU
Sort Code: 20-54-58
Account Number: 5020-8620
IBAN: GB13 BARC 2054 5850 2086 20
All activities of the Beerot Itzchak Foundation are aimed at spreading the Torah and supporting those that study it. Despite its rather limited resources, the Foundation’s administration has been able to run a number of important projects for several years:
The Beerot Itzchak Magazine – an authentic Torah publication, that makes Torah depths accessible to its readers
Jewish School on-line – a project that gives kids from all over the world access to Torah learning with highest-quality experienced teachers
Internet sites for men, women and children – give Russian speakers access to Torah material, book, lectures, prayers, etc.
Kollelim, where Russian-born youngerlite learn Torah at high level
Jewish book publishing – Mishnah, Talmud, Jewish weltanschauung
All our supporters know, that all our budget goes to supporting those that devote themselves to Torah study and production of quality Torah material for our readers and listeners.
By becoming our partner in this holy undertaking, you do not only fulfill a great commandment. You can by absolutely sure that your donation will be used in the best and most efficient way possible. By supporting us, you merit the blessings of many Torah giants of our generation – r. Moshe Shapiro, r. Osher Weiss, r. Benzion Zilber, r. Igal Polischuk and many others.
Rav Igal Polischuk constantly prays for the success of those who support the foundation.
On-Line School for Kids from all over the World
Thanks to our talented and motivated teachers, learning about Judaism becomes an exciting and unforgettable experience for kids.
One of the goals of this project is to convince families to move to locations, where fulltime Jewish schooling for their children is available. As of today, thirteen families took this step, and their kids were successfully absorbed in Jewish schools and Cheiderim.
Unprecedented project for Russian-speaking kids – fulltime learning on-line. The program is intended for boys and girls ages 4 – 17. There are a total of 300 students learning in 10 different virtual classrooms.